
GSF is by Weltstern out of Donner Blume. Fandango GSF's sire Welstern,
carries the blood of such influ- ential stallions as Welt As,
Ferdinand, Don Carlos, Furioso II and Absatz. At least seven of the
mares in the dam line of his pedigree are State Premium mares and many
of these mares also carry the coveted title of DLG Winner; a very
prestigious honour. Weltstern is the half brother of Bonfire, ridden by
Anky von Grunsven to numerous wins in dressage, including the Olympics
and the World Cup. Weltstern's show career started at the age of 14
where he competed to Intemediare I with scores in the 60s. Weltstern
sired 6 fully licensed and approved stallions, all bred in the USA,
during his breeding career. Fandango
GSF's damsire, Donnerwelt is by Donnerhall, who is known for producing
winning dressage horses with good work ethic, excellent rideability and
extravagant gaits. Donnerwelt's damsire World Cup I is the sire of
Weltmeyer and his dam's dam sire is the famous Bolero. Fandango GSF's
damsire was Pikoer who was by the Oldenburg registered Pik Solo by Pik
Bube I.
GSF is a 2008 stallion by Weltstern out of Donner Blume, bred by Greenstone Farm. He was the
top placing colt in North American during the 2008 RPSI inspection tour. As
a three year old, Fandango GSF participated in the 2011 30 Day Stallion
Performance Test and took top placing with an overall score of 8.18
In 2012 Fandango
GSF completed the 70 Day Stallion Performance Test in Broken Arrow Oklahoma
as a four year old. He was 4th in dressage with an index of 116.50,
9th in jumping with an index of 108.46 and 7th overall with an index
of 112.91 out of 21 stallions. Fandango GSF received 9s for Character,
Temperament, Work Ethic, Constitution, Trot and Free Jumping. Conformation photo from 70 Day Stallion Performance Test:

Things to come:
GSF was purchased by Kemah Farms at the end of 2013 to start his
dressage career. Between stallion testings, he spent his time growing
up and becoming a breeding stallion, so he's got a little catching up to
do, but we are excited about the training and show career of such a
special, modern, and expressive stallion. Greenstone Farm and an
affiliate breeder are expecting 6 foals by him this spring.
Current breeding availability is by private treaty only. Contact Kristy
at 623.910.1782
Photos and videos of this amazingly uphill, extravagant, and elegant stallion to follow in the coming months.